Foundation & Government Partnership
For more information about Foundation & Government Partnerships contact Communication & Grants Specialist at 970.827.4327 or
Foundation & Government Partnership Benefits
- Invitation for 2 to Friends of Bravo! Vail Reception
- Invitation for 2 to Open Rehearsal
- 4 Reserved Complimentary Orchestral Series Tickets
- Exempt from demand-based pricing
- Advance priority seating
- Complimentary seating upgrades
- Verbal Recognition from stage at sponsored event
- 10% discount on program book advertisement
- Listing in Program Book
- Listing in Fall Annual Report
- Logo and link included on the website
- Right to use Bravo! Vail's logo
- Logo and link included in social media posts (if applicable)
- Name and logo on event signage
- Name on event invitations
- Name on event RSVP emails
- Name on sponsored concert page on the website
All benefits subject to change in accordance with public health guidelines.
Looking for more? See the benefits available at the Fortissimo level.
- Includes all of the benefits from the Concerto level as well as...
- Invitation for 2 to Winter Appreciation Reception and ski
- Invitation for 2 to Donor Appreciation
- Name and logo on event invitations
- Name and logo on event RSVP emails
All benefits subject to change in accordance with public health guidelines.
Looking for more? See the benefits available at the Crescendo level.
- Includes all of the benefits from the Fortissimo and Concerto levels as well as...
- Invitation for two to all four pre-concert receptions at the GRFA Borgen Plaza
- Invitation for two to all four post-concert champagne toasts on-stage at the GRFA
- Personalized ticket services with Bravo! Vail Box Office Manager
- 4 Complimentary Premium Chamber Music Tickets
- Name and Logo on sponsored concert page on website
- Logo on Corporate Support Page in Program Book
- Featured Partner on our mass email sends
- Discounted block tickets for clients and staff (subject to availability)
- On-site presence at sponsored event (number of invitees varies based on event)
All benefits subject to change in accordance with public health guidelines.
Looking for more? See the benefits available at the Soloist level.
- Includes all of the benefits from the Crescendo, Fortissimo and Concerto levels as well as...
- 6 Premium Complimentary Orchestral Series Tickets (Replaces the amount at the Crescendo, Fortissimo and Concerto levels)
- Option to provide marketing collateral or promotional material at sponsored event
- Opportunity to sponsor a 2024 soloist which includes recognition from the stage
All benefits subject to change in accordance with public health guidelines.
Looking for more? See the benefits available at the Allegro level.
- Includes all benefits mentioned above as well as...
- Invitation for 2 to Golden Circle Soiree
- 8 Premium Complimentary Orchestral Series Tickets (replaces the amount at Soloist level)
- 4 Transferrable Lawn Passes
- Opportunity to sponsor a concert instead of a soloist which includes recognition from the stage
All benefits subject to change in accordance with public health guidelines.
Looking for more? See the benefits available at the Ovation level.
- Includes all benefits mentioned above as well as...
- 1 Parking Pass for Orchestral Series Concerts at the GRFA
All benefits subject to change in accordance with public health guidelines.
Looking for more? See the benefits available at the Virtuoso level.
- Includes all benefits mentioned above as well as...
- 10 Premium Complimentary Orchestral Series Tickets (replaces the amount at the Allegro and Ovation levels)
- Opportunity to present a concert or soloist instead of sponsor
All benefits subject to change in accordance with public health guidelines.
Thank you to our 2023 Foundation & Government Partners
Maestro ($100,000 and above)
Ensemble ($30,000 and above)
Virtuoso ($20,000 and above)
Allegro ($10,000 and above)
Soloist ($7,500 and above)
- Colorado Creative Industries
- Town of Gypsum
- Barbara Treat Foundation
Crescendo ($5,000 and above)
Fortissimo ($3,000 and above)
Concerto ($1,500 and above)
- Community First Foundation
- Slifer Smith and Frampton Foundation
- Vail Rotary Club